Accuride Self Close Slide

Accuride Self Close Slide

Metrol has often been asked to assist with the integration of slides into medical trolleys giving a range of functionality and ease of access. The design brief of one specialist trolley required the supply of self-close slides to make sure that the drawer closed completely and stayed closed as the trolley was moved around in a fast moving critical care ward.

A stock slide, the DZ3832SC, was designed in from the very early stages. The customer was pleased with the option selected as it could offer them a white finish, self-close slide from stock in the UK.

Another project for medical trolleys required a slim side space and smooth movement but with a short slide length.

Once again a stock slide solution was available in this case of the 2601 250mm slide and additionally 2132 slides in 300 and 350mm lengths.

Front Interlock Drawer Slides for Medical Trolleys

A large project required a locking system to prevent more than one drawer being opened at a time, it was an important consideration to ensure the trolley did not tip forward in use if more than one drawer was opened.

The 5349 slide with front interlock was the stock solution they chose.

Metrol has a range of slide solutions for medical trolleys, from stock and delivered direct to your door.