National Apprenticeship Week 2018

National Apprenticeship Week 2018

The week commencing 5th of March is National Apprenticeship Week (NAW 2018), which acknowledges the success of the apprenticeship in businesses across the UK in all industries. It's not just about looking back to where it began and where it is now though, it's also about how we can encourage more people to take up apprenticeships in the future.

The idea of earning while you're learning has served as a great motivator for people of all walks of life to learn another skill or to begin work in a new and exciting career.

This is the case for three Metrol apprentices; Liam, Layton and Jordan, who are all at varying stages in their 3 year long college courses.

Throughout the last year all of them have been given the opportunity to rotate through the main three levels of the factory; machining, welding and assembly, in order to increase their individual understanding and develop their skills in all aspects of the manufacturing process. As it happens, all three have developed the passion for machining/machine programming and they would all like to concentrate on honing their current machining skills for the final year of their respective apprenticeships, and for their future careers.

As far as Metrol is concerned, Liam, Layton and Jordan have been an excellent addition to the Metrol family. At Metrol we would urge businesses from every sector to consider enrolling in the apprenticeship programme.